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Local Church Factors Influencing Clergy Leadership Effectiveness

Congregational attitudes and behaviors
Bullies (push healthy people out of church leadership)
Lack of respect for pastor (position without actual authority)
Dysfunctional leaders in lay leadership positions
Resistance to change
Conflict management
More concern for buildings than ministry
Passive-aggressive behaviors
Leaders with mental health issues
Aging congregations
Not enough leaders/help/staff to do the work of the church
Pastoral care emergencies
Culture of membership rather than discipleship
Distrust of the denomination
Challenges of leading volunteers
Lack of appreciation for pastoral leadership
Having to serve churches with a history of being difficult
Empowerment of laity in healthy ways
Styles of worship and music
UMW (as negative influence)
Community outreach
Theological and political differences between pastor and laity
Lack of young people
Staff conflict
Building projects
Congregation lacks sense of urgency.
Too comfortable with status quo
Financial struggles
Saturation of UMC churches in small community

“Combine those factors (resistance to change and entitlement attitude of members) with deep financial troubles and it is very difficult to lead "transformationally".

“In my current region we should group 9-10 UM churches that are inside a 7 mile radius. This would be 700-1000 in attendance and would have at least 5-6 full time clergy. One name, multi-site, Sr Pastor and pastoral staff with different responsibilities. This could have been done with 4 churches in my last location. Allow the various team members to specialize, Christian Ed, children's ministries, worship, etc. Make sure those who are given Sr Pastor positions are trained and experienced at managing staff.”

From pastor serving a local church who dealt with clergy being removed for sexual misconduct: “There was a great deal of mistrust of the clergy, the Cabinet, and the Bishop.”

My members “just want to live long enough to be buried in this church.”

“It has been so long since I have served a healthy charge that I do not know what difference that might make in my leadership.”

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